Dimiss an employee in a fair and human manner
Business life leads to making difficult decisions, such as dismiss an employee. For those involved, this can have consequences that need to be understood.
At the end of a process which has seen the employee and the employer try to agree to continue the collaboration (adjustments, reframing, objectives not achieved), the latter may be brought to an end. In other cases, following a reframing, a pandemic or a reduction in staffing, the organization must adjust its expenses and adapt them to new parameters. To say it short, you have to dismiss.
The decision is difficult and the moment delicate. Dismissal is one of the moments in a company’s life where the cap of “collaborator” gives way to that of a man or woman. At the time of the announcement, it is above both persons facing each other with their emotions, their representations, their experiences but also with different and even antagonistic issues.
The loss of a job can represent a pivotal period for those who experience it. It is possible that this moment will not be experienced as a failure and at the end of a support process, everyone will come out grateful to have been accompanied and supported. Odienz offers support in 3 distinct phases:
Before the interview, in support of management, by preparing ahead of time. The decision to dismiss must be the result of a documented and objective process. Constraining this stage requires both preparation, know-how and courage.
The dismissal interview requires a subtle balance between tact and clarity. It must also be short, leaving room for people. Their emotions and contractual information.
After the announcement, in support of the employee, through a process similar to that of an outplacement, without formatting a test battery.
Work certificate (final or immediate): According to the legal provisions in force, each employee can request, at any time, an intermediate work certificate that meets the legal requirements. Odienz pilots or supports the drafting of this document: a valuable time save which also represents a great opportunity to enhance the value of its employee.
Who is this service for?
SME with fewer than
100 employees
The size of your structure is less than 100 employees and does not allow you to benefit from the skills of an HR specialist, but you want to carry out your dismissal interviews with tact and results.
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